# 精准与否,就是屠宰与手术的区别。
accuracy or not is the difference between slaughtering and operation.
# 世界既不黑也不白,而是一道精致的灰。
the world is neither black nor white, but a fine gray.
# 手上的任务是唯一
the task on hand is the only one
# 小心你的言行。敬酒不吃吃罚酒。
be careful with your words and deeds. Toast without free wine.
# 切忌愚鲁。
do not be foolishness.
# 优雅永不过时。
elegance will never be out of date.
# 形式的纯粹,功能的纯粹。
the purity of form and the purity of function.
# 你的徒劳,让人失望。
your futility is disappointing.
# 如果你赢不了,就不要动手。
if you can't win, don't do it.
# 你,要,自知!
you, you need to know yourself!
# 别着急,我还没完事呢。
don't worry. I'm not finished yet.
# 卓越是一种品德,你恰巧欠缺。
excellence is a kind of morality, and you happen to lack it.
# 告诉我,多一只手会让你多一份光荣么?
Tell me, will one more hand make you more glorious?
# 我会把你变成无关紧要的琐事。
I will turn you into trivial matters.
# 有时候,伤疤是一个人最上等的华服。
sometimes scars are the best clothes of a person.
# 要么打,要么跑,优柔寡断令人厌恶。
it is disgusting to play or run, indecision.
# 自负会让每个人都屈膝下跪。
conceit will make everyone kneel.
# 这份工作,不是为业余人士而准备的。
this job is not for amateurs.
# 你毫无策略的行动让我恶心。
your unprotected actions disgust me.
# 要多想,不然你就是在给自己挖坟。
Think more, or you're digging your own grave.
# 我已经足够年纪明白事理了。
I am old enough to understand the matter.
# 想阻止我?你是哪位?
want to stop me? Who are you?
# 法律需要维护,才能维护人民。
the law needs to be maintained in order to protect the people.
# 天哪!有人能给这根棒槌指点一下么?
My God! Can anyone give this mallet a hint?
# 人人有自己的位置,忘乎所以,就危险了。
everyone has his own position, forgetting it, it is dangerous.
# 谎言不会伤人,真相才是快刀。
lies will not hurt people. The truth is a quick knife.
# 悔恨会磨平我们灵魂中的棱角。
remorse will grind the corners of our souls.
# 这是你的极限了。
this is your limit.
# 进化的代价是必要的死亡。
the cost of evolution is the necessary death.
# 你已经被忘却了。
You have been forgotten.
# 我们都有底线,而我,也许已经越过自己的了。
we all have the bottom line, and I, perhaps, have crossed my own.
# 不要有趣,要有用。
Don't be funny, be useful.
# 尽管吹牛吧,趁你还有地方,趁你还活着。
Brag, while you still have a place, while you are still alive.
# 结果比宣言更有力。
The result is stronger than the declaration.
# 看清你要去的地方。
See where you are going.
# 看起来所有问题都解决了,但是我不这么认为。
It seems that all the problems have been solved, but I don't think so.
# 不要往心里去,你只是处于劣势而已。
Don't take it to heart. You're just at a disadvantage.
# 不要如此大惊小怪。
Don't make such a fuss.