- Java
- Java、后端、面向对象
- # 1. Hyperskill - Java
- # 1-1. Java basic1-1-1. Theory:Scanning the input 1-1-2. Theory:Arithmetic operations 1-1-3. Theory:Integer types and operations 1-1-4. Theory:Increment and decrement 1-1-5. Theory:Relational operators 1-1-6. Theory:Ternary operator 1-1-7. Theory:The while and do-while loops 1-1-8. Theory:Branching statements 1-1-9. Theory:Characters 1-1-10. Theory:String 1-1-11. Theory:Boolean and logical operators 1-1-12. Theory:Sizes and ranges 1-1-13. Theory:Switch statement 1-1-14. Theory:Declaring a method 1-1-15. Theory:The main method 1-1-16. Theory:Type casting 1-1-17. Theory:Primitive and reference types 1-1-18. Theory:Array 1-1-19. Theory:Arrays as parameters 1-1-20. Theory:Iterating over arrays 1-1-21. Theory:Multidimensional array 1-1-22. Theory:Final variables# 1-2. Java OOP1-2-1. Theory:Introduction OOP 1-2-2. Theory:Defining classes 1-2-3. Theory:Instance methods 1-2-4. Thoery:Constructor 1-2-5. Theory:Package 1-2-6. Theory:Access modifiers 1-2-7. Theory:Getters and setters 1-2-8. Theory:Inheritance 1-2-9. Theory:Protected modifier 1-2-10. Theory:Referencing subclass objects 1-2-11. Theory:The Object class 1-2-12. Theory:Objects 1-2-13. Theory:Interface 1-2-14. Theory:Multiple constructors 1-2-15. Theory:The keyword super 1-2-16. Theory:Static members 1-2-17. Theory:Hiding and overriding 1-2-18. Theory:Polymorphism 1-2-19. Theory:Abstract class 1-2-20. Theory:Abstract class vs interface 1-2-21. Theory:Anonymous classes 1-2-22. Theory:Anonymous classes properties# 1-3. 应知1-3-1. Theory:Functional decomposition 1-3-2. Theory:Paradigms 1-3-3. Theory:Overloading 1-3-4. Theory:Write, compile, and run 1-3-5. Theory:Annotations basics 1-3-6. Theory:JVM, JRE, and JDK 1-3-7. Theory:Jave Archive 1-3-8. Theory:Running programs on your computer 1-3-9. Theory:Enums in Java 1-3-10. Theory:Fields and methods in enum 1-3-11. Theory:StringBuilder 1-3-12. Theory:Immutability 1-3-13. Theory:Boxing and unboxing 1-3-14. Theory:Introduction to generic programming 1-3-15. Theory:Generics and Object 1-3-16. Theory:What are collections 1-3-17. Theory:The collections Framework overview 1-3-18. Theory:ArrayList 1-3-19. Theory:The List interface 1-3-20. Theory:Comparable 1-3-21. Theory:Processing strings 1-3-22. Theory:Initialization blocks 1-3-23. Theory:Introduction to API 1-3-24. Theory:Generic methods# 1-4. 扩展1-4-1. Theory:Units of information 1-4-2. Theory:IDE 1-4-3. Theory:IDEA 1-4-4. Theory:Build tools 1-4-5. Theory:Operating systems 1-4-6. Theory:Gradle basics 1-4-7. Theory:Basic project with Gradle 1-4-8. Theory:Building apps using Gradle 1-4-9. Theory:Dependency management 1-4-10. Theory:Formatted output 1-4-11. Theory:Libraries 1-4-12. Theory:Frameworks 1-4-13. Theory:Modules 1-4-14. Theory:Introduction to software architecture 1-4-15. Theory:Class Diagrams 1-4-16. Theory:Text blocks 1-4-17. Theory:YAML 1-4-18. Theory:XML 1-4-19. Theory:JSON# 1-5. IO & Stream1-5-1. Theory:Files 1-5-2. Theory:Write files 1-5-3. Theory:What are streams 1-5-4. Theory:Input streams 1-5-5. Theory:Try with resources# 1-6. Error & Exception1-6-1. Theory:Errors in programs 1-6-2. Theory:What is an exception 1-6-3. Theory:NPE 1-6-4. Theory:Array exceptions 1-6-5. Theory:Hierarchy of exceptions 1-6-6. Theory:Exception Handling 1-6-7. Theory:Throwing exceptions 1-6-8. Theory:Cutom exceptions 1-6-9. Theory:What is a bug 1-6-10. Theory:Introduction to logging 1-6-11. Theory:Debugging techniques# 1-7. Algorithm & Data structure1-7-1. Theory:Computer algorithms 1-7-2. Theory:Pseudocode 1-7-3. Theory:Pseudocode basics 1-7-4. Theory:Complex constructions in pseudocode 1-7-5. Theory:The big O notation 1-7-6. Theory:Best, Average and cases 1-7-7. Theory:Data structures 1-7-8. Theory:Fixed-size array 1-7-9. Theory:Dynamic array# 1-8. Design pattern1-8-1. Theory:The concept of patterns 1-8-2. Theory:Structural of design patterns 1-8-3. Theory:Decorator pattern 1-8-4. Theory:Decorator# 1-9. Web1-9-1. Theory:World Wide Web 1-9-2. Theory:HTTP 1-9-3. Theory:HTTP URL 1-9-4. Theory:HTTP messages 1-9-5. Theory:MVC 1-9-6. Theory:Introduction to Spring Web MVC 1-9-7. Theory:REST 1-9-8. Theory:Postman 1-9-9. Theory:Getting data from REST 1-9-10. Theory:Posting and deleting data via REST 1-9-11. Theory:REST Exception handling 1-9-12. Theory:Handling requests with bodies 1-9-13. Theory:Domains 1-9-14. Theory:HTTP Basic Auth 1-9-15. Theory:IP 1-9-16. Theory:Authentication and Authorization 1-9-17. Theory:OAuth 1-9-18. Theory:Java 11 HTTP client
- # 2. 练习题
- # 2-1. 选择题 & 填空题2-1-1. What does the method print 2-1-2. Appending strings and ints 2-1-3. Varargs method invocation 2-1-4. Good reasons to use Java modules 2-1-5. Number generators 2-1-6. When the keyword cannot be used 2-1-7. Size and capacity 2-1-8. The number of copies 2-1-9. The number of insertions# 2-2. 代码题2-2-1. Boxes 2-2-2. The longest ascending sequence 2-2-3. Right Rotation 2-2-4. Book 2-2-5. Compact strings with AsciiCharSequence 2-2-6. Cinema 2-2-7. Calculate square 2-2-8. Count words 2-2-9. Robot control 2-2-10. Concat all strings without digits 2-2-11. Find the nearest number 2-2-12. Leaderboard 2-2-13. Split a list into sublists 2-2-14. Arithmetic average 2-2-15. Processing strings
- # 3. Frank - Java与生活
- # 3-2. Java基础3-2-1. 一带而过的东西 3-2-2. 值得注意的是 3-2-3. 关于Java语言 3-2-4. String 3-2-5. 自动类型转换 3-2-6. import 导包 3-2-7. 数组 3-2-8. 方法的重载 3-2-9. 规范
- # 4. Frank - Java API进阶
- # 4-1. Base API4-1-1. Java API定义和用处 4-1-2. Number & Math 4-1-3. Random 4-1-4. Date & Calendar 4-1-5. System# 4-2. Unit Test and Main function4-2-1. 抛出企业问题,脱离main测试,模块化概念抛出 4-2-2. Junit、单元测试的含义和用途 4-2-3. Maven repository 获取 JAR 4-2-4. 使用JUnit
- # 5. 学习笔记
- 5-1. 为什么Java里main方法有个static?
上次更新: 2022/04/11, 10:49:20